Influence of Movies
Movies are a wonderful part of modern life. They let us go places, see and experience new and different things, and they're cheaper and more convenient in many ways than live theater. Movies are one of the most influencial types of media. They have a profound influence on peoples' attitudes, habits, and behaviors. This can be a good or a bad thing when it comes to forming healthy relationships. Movie watchers have to take responsibility for examining the relationship content of movies and deciding whether or not they truly want to emulate what they see.
Below is a list of movies which highlight healthy aspects of various types of relationships. If you wish to comment on any of the movies posted or suggest more movies, please contact on Facebook or Twitter.
(The titles are hyperlinks to the IMDB pages, the posters are hyperlinks to the trailers.)
*We included Independence Day because the relationship between Captain Steven Hiller and Jasmine Dubrow is remarkably healthy despite the stresses put on their relationship by their respective jobs and the situation. As always, this point is open to debate. Feel free to post on our Facebook page if you wish.
** We Included Jurrasic Park because of the relationships between Dr. Alan Grant and Dr. Ellie Slatter and between John Hammond and his grandchildren. Like Independence Day we hope that Jurrasic Park demonstrates that even action movies can highlight healthy relationships without compromising their integrity.
These movies are arranged alphabetically by title, their order does not reflect any preference to lyrics, artists, or styles.
Most writers, actors, and directors featured had multiple healthy relationship movies, but we had to limit the length of the list.