Rate the options in each row from 1 – 4, with 4 being the MOST like you and 1 being the LEAST like you.

You feel your best…

Late at night
Right after school
In the afternoon
Before school

You walk…

Fast and with long strides
Leisurely, head up
Slow, head down
Medium paced, keeping up with whoever I’m walking with

When you die, you want people to remember that…

You were the life of the party
You always had everything together and under control
You were smart and interesting
Everybody liked you

You try to focus on and live your life in the…

Moment – why not live second to second?
Present – all we can control is the here and now
Future – no good comes from looking back, we must look ahead
Past – learning what we can from the past will help us make a better present and future

You sit…

Sprawled out
Back straight, knees together
Arms and legs folded
One leg bent, sitting on your foot
Polka Dots


What does your Style mean?

Polka Dots




You have no rhyme or reason to your patterns. Just because they’ve always done it this way doesn’t mean we have to do it like that again, right? You live for the new and unexpected. Your motto is “go for it!”

You like order and precision. You enjoy the stimulation of school, but love the peace and quiet when the day is over. You try not to dwell on anything but enjoy making plans to fit every situation. Your motto is “I love it when a plan comes together!”

You look for the possibilities in everything. You like to surround yourself with others who can give you interesting conversation and keep you thinking. Rather than liking order, you like to FIND the order in seemingly random things. Your motto is “I see things as they could be and ask, ‘why not?’”

You enjoy stability and tradition. Change for the sake of change seems silly to you. You like things to be comfortable and shy away from confrontation. You are the person your group looks to for guidance and a sympathetic ear. Your motto is “if it ain’t broke, don’t fix it”